Has the name Françoys-Vanoverschelde NV disappeared?
Definitely not! CERTAINLY NOT. Has the name Françoys-Vanoverschelde NV disappeared ? Certainly not ! We proudly present our new house style, but the fundamentals of our organisation remain unchanged. Our core values-customer focus, no-nonsense, respect, cooperation and...
Meet EFVEO (pronounced "ÈF-VEE-OH"), the new brand name stemming from the abbreviation of Françoys-VanOverschelde (FVO), the NV's founders. This name change is accompanied by a fresh, modern house style, a new logo and a revamped website. With these innovations, we want to be even closer to our customers. We start with exciting news. Furthermore, the EFVEO webshop is under construction!
Our new logo remains bold red -as the original. A colour that stands for action, passion, and energy. This is exactly what the EFVEO team stands for: we are bursting with energy to serve our customers and take on every challenge with passion. See you soon!